Ro: Hey! Am revenit cu o noua recenzie pe blog! Astazi voi face recenzia unei carti primite de la Net Galley care este o platforma unde cei ce fac recenzii pot citi si recenza carti inainte ca ele sa fie publicate. Asta voi face azi, adica recenzia cartii „Payton is Afraid of Dirt” scrisa de Shanna Simpson.
In carte este vorba despre un baietel pe nume Payton. Payton facea curatenie intruna si ii era frica ca daca se va opri el si familia lui se vor imbolnavi. Parintii lui au hotarat sa il duca la medic unde a fost diagnosticat cu OCD. Va las pe voi sa descoperiti ce s-a intamplat mai departe! Sper ca v-a placut aceasta recenzie, cartea va aparea pe data de 15 februarie! Pupici cu sclipici!!
En: Hey! I came back with a new book review! Today I will review a book from Net Galley, which is a platform where reviewers can read and review books before they are published. That’s what I’m going to do about the book „Payton is Afraid of Dirt” written by Shanna Simpson.
The book is about a boy named Payton. Payton was cleaning up and he was afraid to stop because he was thinking if he would do this he and his family would get sick. His parents decided to take him to a doctor where he was diagnosed with OCD. I let you find out what happened next! I hope you enjoyed this review and the book will appear on February 15th! Kisess with glitter !! #PaytonIsAfraidofDirt #NetGalley